Gateway to your desired reality via Bazi


Useful God in Bazi Astrology 

Strictly from the Bazi perspective, We use UG ( Useful God)  and ( FG)  Favorable God to exercise the related actual ” Qi” from the  UG and FG in order to be beneficial from it.
Talking about Career, we look at more authority and wealth Star. If there is no wealth star or Authority star we look at the Resource and output because it is the root energy of wealth and Authority.
Many talk about the industry, which industry I should be in base on the Bazi. I think that is natural with or without looking at your Bazi, you tend to move into that industry or related industry that you may be in, that is regardless without it is going to be favorable to you and it also depending on what you are looking for in life .. It is very subjective.  My take is, things that bring you the best happiness will not be unfavorable.